Party Statute

Article 1: Name and Identity

The official name of the party is the Liberal Party of Iran (LPI). It is a liberal-democratic, centrist, and center-right political organization that opposes the Islamic Republic of Iran and advocates for a secular, democratic, and free Iran.

Article 2: Core Values

The LPI is based on the following fundamental principles:

1. Secularism and Laïcité

The Liberal Party of Iran advocates for the complete separation of religion and state. While the party fully respects freedom of religion and the right of every citizen to practice any faith or not adhere to any religion, it believes religion should remain a purely private and personal matter.

To ensure a clear separation between religion and government, the LPI commits to:

  • Prohibiting the use of religious symbols in public buildings and state institutions (such as schools, courts, parliament, public offices).

  • Ensuring that no law is based on religious precepts, ensuring a neutral state in regard to religious beliefs.

  • Following the French model of laïcité, where religion is a private matter and should not influence the governance of the state.

2. Liberal Democracy

The LPI defends a political system based on individual liberty, respect for the Constitution, free elections, and the separation of powers. The government must be founded on democratic consensus and political pluralism, without authoritarian or religious tendencies.

3. Human Rights

The Liberal Party of Iran acknowledges and defends universal human rights, working to guarantee:

  • Gender equality and LGBTQ+ rights.

  • Freedom of speech, press, and expression.

  • Protection of ethnic and religious minorities in Iran.

4. Market Economy and Decentralized State

The LPI promotes a free and competitive market economy, where private property and entrepreneurship are encouraged. The government should be limited and decentralized, with less bureaucracy and more economic freedom for citizens.

5. Social Liberties

The LPI supports individual freedom in personal choices, including:

  • Legalizing surrogacy.

  • Euthanasia as an individual right.

  • Decriminalizing and regulating soft drugs for personal use.

6. Public Services

While recognizing that education and healthcare are fundamental services, the LPI acknowledges the importance of competition and privatization. The party commits to:

  • Guaranteeing a basic public system of education and healthcare for all.

  • Encouraging the near-complete privatization of both sectors, maintaining a minimum level of state intervention to ensure equity and accessibility.

Article 3: Political Position

1. Constitutionalism and Governance

Constitutionalism is the central value of the LPI. The Parliament, directly elected by the citizens, must be the highest decision-making body of the state.

The party does not exclusively support either a constitutional monarchy or a parliamentary or presidential republic, nor any other form of government. The LPI believes that the form of government for post-Islamic Republic Iran should be decided through free democratic elections, respecting the principles of liberalism and democracy.

2. Opposition to the Islamic Republic

The LPI firmly opposes the Islamic Republic of Iran and works for its replacement with a democratic system.

The party supports:

  • Peaceful protests and forms of civil resistance to overthrow the regime.

  • The right to legitimate defense against the regime's aggression and its repressive forces.

  • Organizing free elections monitored by international observers (UN and other institutions), to allow the Iranian people to choose their future government.

Article 4: Organizational Structure

  1. Executive Committee – The main decision-making body of the party.

  2. General Assembly – The deliberative body that approves strategic decisions and elects leaders.

  3. Local and International Sections – Organizational networks to mobilize Iranians worldwide.

Article 5: Membership and Requirements

  • Membership is open to all Iranians aged 12 and over (minors under 16 can join only with parental supervision).

  • Iranian citizenship is an essential requirement for membership.

  • Religious leaders and figures (imams, priests, rabbis, etc.) are not allowed to become members of the party or run for any internal or national election supported by the LPI.

Article 6: Party Symbols and Identity

1. Party Flag

The LPI adopts the flag of the Lion and Sun without the sword, which represents Iranian national identity without religious connections.

2. Party Logo

The official logo of the Liberal Party of Iran is a torch with a golden flame and Persian golden and blue wings, symbolizing:

  • Modernity and innovation.

  • Youth and progress.

  • Iranian identity and aspiration for a bright future.

Article 7: International Cooperation

The LPI seeks alliances with liberal and democratic parties internationally to strengthen the fight against the Iranian regime and promote liberalism in Iran.

Article 8: Path to Change

The LPI is committed to a peaceful transition to democracy, through:

  • Political and media activism to raise public awareness.

  • Mobilizing Iranians at home and abroad to support change.

  • Organizing free elections with international monitoring to ensure a true democratic transition.
